Homecoming 2008 





Congratulations to the students and staff members for a great 2008 Homecoming. 

The Student Council, and the sponsors: Mr. Ed VanEtten, Mr. Andrew Heller, and Mrs. Elizabeth WhiteEyes for their guidance in developing a rewarding week of events.

The students met during their Learning Community period to make posters.

We greatly appreciated to have the support of the Walthill Boosters during the Tailgate and the Lock-In.  Together we can make great things happen. 

2008-2009 Royalty:           

Freshman:   Latesha Flores and Brandon Charley

Sophomores: Sonjra Sheridan and Kyle Grant

Juniors: Danna Miller and Cameron Freemont

Senior:          King - Daulton Sheridan



I am really excited about the start of our school year.  It has been a pleasure to watch our staff and students in the classroom.  It has been equally exciting to see our students participating in our activities.  I have seen some great effort from our students to improve in their academic and athletic skills.  It has been nice to see everyone working towards our school goals for a safe learning environment and high academic success.  The school atmosphere has been very positive. 

I would like to thank our parents for helping us improve our attendance for the start of the year.  Research has proven that academic success is very dependent on parent support and attendance.  I would also like to thank everyone for filling out the free and reduced lunch information.  If you haven’t had a chance to fill out this form, please come in and do so.  This helps increase our grant and other revenue opportunities for the school.

The school has purchased a milk cooler to improve our wellness program.  The milk cooler is in our lobby and the cost for milk will be $1.00.  The flavors will be white, chocolate, and strawberry.  The school wants to encourage our students and staff to live a healthier lifestyle by drinking milk instead of pop. 

The month of October and November can bring about the chance of inclement weather.  I will post any cancellation, early dismissal or late start on the local news channels. 

Parent / teacher conferences are scheduled for October 9 from 4:00-8:00 pm.  Research has proven how important it is for parents to stay involved in their child’s educational progress.  Take advantage of the opportunity to visit your child’s teachers and keep the lines of communication open.

I hope you had a chance to visit our school and our activities.  Take time to visit our website to see more of the academic and activity achievements of our students throughout the school year.  The website is http://walthweb.esu1.org/  



Ed Stansberry



Parent ~ Teacher ~ Student Conferences

October 9th

4:00 – 8:00 pm


Message from the Secondary Principal, Carol Hilker 





We have had an exciting and rewarding beginning to the 2008-2009 school year.  It is exciting to be a part of a positive school movement that is creating an environment rich in academics, safe for all our students, and inviting to the public.  Rewarding to see the positive impact on student in and out of the classrooms.


This year we are placing a greater emphasis on the importance of student attendance.  It is important that students receive instruction and assistance every class periods.  An attendance/participation grade is given each which.  Students are rewarded just for being in attendance.   


Congratulations to the students and staff members for a great 2008 Homecoming.  The Student Council, and the sponsors: Mr. Ed VanEtten, Mr. Andrew Heller, and Mrs. Elizabeth WhiteEyes for their guidance in developing a rewarding week of events. The students met during their Learning Community period to make posters. We greatly appreciated to have the support of the Walthill Boosters during the Tailgate and the Lock-In.  Together we can make great things happen. 

2008-2009 Royalty:           

Freshman:               Latesha Flores and Brandon Charley

            Sophomores:          Sonjra Sheridan and Kyle Grant

            Juniors:                    Danna Miller and Cameron Freemont

            Senior:          King - Daulton Sheridan


We have just completed the first half of the first nine-weeks.  Midterms were sent home.  Please take time to review your student’s performance and discuss any concerns you may have with them.  Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for October 9th from 4:00 until 8:00.  Make plans to attend, as the communication between the classroom teachers and the parents/guardians is important to your student’s success.


Again, I encourage you to stop in and visit.  If you have any questions regarding anything that is happening in school, do not hesitate to contact me.


Remember to attend conferences.


We, the people of Walthill Public School District,
are committed to generating a caring, respectful,
and safe learning environment, which promotes positive





Parents On Line (POL)


Parents who want to use the Internet to monitor their student's grades and progress will need to have an account set up.  We will need your child's name (names), your name, and your email address.   Accessing the POL system is simple.  A link to POL (Parents On Line) and SOL (Students On Line) is available on the Main Page of the school website -- http://walthweb.esu1.org.

Parents can email:

Dar Bales at dbales@esu1.org or

Robin Davis at rdavis@esu1.org, or

Diane Jasa at djasa@esu1.org , or

Call 846-5432 to request your account.


Thanks Administration and high academic success



Once again Walthill Public Schools will be participating in Hy-Vee’s school cents this year. 


We earned $416.30 from all the receipts last year!


How this program works is when you shop at Hy-Vee for groceries, flowers or prescriptions save your receipts.  This year Hy-Vee is not accepting gas receipts.


Have your child bring your receipts to school where the teachers will start collecting them.  For every $ 100.00 turned into the school, we will earn one dollar.  It is important to know that even if you use food stamps the receipts still can earn the school money.  The school does not check to see what you bought with your receipts or how you paid your bill, all we want is the receipt so that we can earn money for our school. 


If you have any questions at all, please call Mrs. Rodasky at 846-5432. 


Fall Book Fair Coming Soon!

By Paula Low ~ Librarian


          The 2008 Fall Book Fair is right around the corner.  This year’s start date is Monday, October 6th, and it continues through Monday October 13th from 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m each day.  However, during Thursday’s parent-teacher-child conferences, the hours will be extended to 8:00 p. m. 


This year’s theme will be “Book Fair Safari”.  Food and prizes will be given out during conference hours, and books will again be available or $1.00. 


So don’t forget to come to the library!   Get wild about books!  


Don’t worry if you don’t have students in our school. The public is welcome too. 


So let’s get wild about books!

Parents -

Please follow these steps to prevent head lice infestations:

·        Check children’s heads for signs of lice and/or nits.  Detecting is easy:

o       Closely examine your child’s hair and scalp.  Look for white or grayish crawling forms, about the size of a sesame seed with six legs (lice), and yellowish-white eggs (nits) attached to hair shafts close to the scalp.

·        Tell your children to avoid head-to-head contact and any sharing of combs, brushes, towels, hats, scarves, barrettes, or other personal items commonly worn on the head.

·        Wash your hands and children’s hands and nails thoroughly; getting under the nails as some lice may be around there.


In case of infestation, please follow these steps:

·        Notify the school nurse so that we can help limit the spread of lice.

·        Treat your child immediately.  Contact the school nurse or your trusted health-care professional for additional information about safe and effective treatment options.


Thanks Bonnie Storm ~ RN School Nurse


Kindergarten Is Off and Running

Mrs. Anderson ~ Mrs. Rodasky


We are delighted to have 27 students in our Kindergarten classrooms this year.  We have been very busy learning about our alphabet, numbers and how to read.  Soon we will begin reading with special guests in our classrooms.  We have been writing our names, letters and numbers.  We are working hard everyday at counting and identifying our numbers.  We began the year with a bear theme.  We read books, went on a bear hunt and had a bear picnic.  One of our favorite books was “Don’t eat the Teacher”.  We made oceans with sharks and ate them for snack. 


If you ever need to contact us, please call the school at 846-5432. 

We are available from 7:45 – 7:55 am, 1:00 – 1:40, and 3:35-3:45. 

Or you may email us at mrodasky@esu1.org or jianders@esu1.org.

3rd Grade

Mrs. Fernau


Mrs. Fernau's class has been busy learning some things about bird migration and monarch butterfly migration since these are happening very soon.  They have maps with the creatures on their migratory routes displayed in the hallway outside of their room.  They also learned to make raisins dance and float candy bars for learning

about Scientific Inquiry.
Math has them beginning multiplication with the "0's and 1's" along with the comparing and ordering of numbers.  We've had a few state required tests already and the results have been pretty good. 

We had new red writing journals this year and we put all kinds of writing items in it from spelling words to Science terms.  

Please feel free to come up and visit our room and see what we're up to!




Dianna Spirk


Music classes have been focusing on several important September dates.  We have been learning the story of how the Star Spangled Banner was written.  In addition to learning the song, jr. high classes have also been doing some beautiful illustrations of the words.  We have celebrated Constitution Day with the singing of “We the People” which has some challenging vocabulary to learn.  We have also been learning songs for Native American Day.  A favorite has been “Go My Son” along with the Indian sign language.  Students have already been asking to sing their favorite Halloween songs, which we will begin in October.


Introducing School Psychologist ~ Roberta (Bobbi) Mehrer


Hi! I am so excited to work again as Walthill’s School Psychologist.


To let you know a little bit about myself:

I grew up on a farm close to Scotland, South Dakota with my two older sisters, and two younger brothers.  I attended grade school in a 2-story building with grades 1st through 3rd on the first floor and 4th through 6th on the second floor.  For Junior High and High School, I traveled 10 miles on the bus to Scotland and had a class size of 30 students (my elementary class size was 5).  Anyway, the point of this is that I had no idea that school psychologists even existed until I attended college. I notice now that a lot of people ask the question “so what exactly do you do?” after I tell them my profession.  So following is a little snippet found on the ESU#1website (www.esu1.org) to let you know what my skills are. 


I am in Walthill two days a week: Tuesday and Wednesday (usually).  Please feel free to call or e-mail me if there is any way that I can be of assistance to you and/or your student. You can e-mail me at bmehrer@esu1.org or call the school at 846-5432. 


Twenty Ways to Benefit from Your School Psychologist


Name one thing that a school psychologist is capable of doing. Chances are that “testing” would be the most common answer given. Unfortunately, the school psychologist is often seen as providing a very limited specific psychometric service and is not utilized to provide many of the additional services for which they have been trained. Using your school psychologist in areas other than testing will prove to be very beneficial for teachers, students, and families.


1. Consultation                                         2. In-service                          

3. Parent Training                                    4. Crisis Intervention                     

5. Research                                              6. Recommendations

7. Counseling                                           8. Screening                         

9. Testing                                                  10. Test Interpretation                   

11. Follow-up                                            12. Behavior Techniques (Interventions)

13. Reports                                               14. Preschool Assessment

15. Pre-referral                                         16. Academic Interventions

17. Committees                                                 18. Community Liaison

19. Community Resources                     20. Personality Assessment


I look forward to the school year and helping students succeed!


Art Room News

Brenda Murphy


Well, the pace sure picked up once students got their schedules down and settled into a routine. I now have K - 8 students as well as high school students who elect to take art. That makes our room a pretty creative and busy place. Class sizes range from a handful of students up to over 20. It can get pretty crowded at times, but as long as we are all there for the same purpose, to practice doing art, it’s a fun time for all.


Important notice to parents and/or caregivers of elementary age students: Know which day of the week your student has art and make sure they either wear something you don’t mind getting paint on it, or send them with an old shirt to cover their other clothes. We do our best to keep paint and markers on the paper and not the student, but some kids just spread the materials around more than others. Many great artists started that way. The school buys paint that says on the label it is washable, but it has been my experience as a parent that sometimes it doesn’t wash out all the way. If your child is in K-2 then the art classes are on the same day each week. If they are in 3rd -- 6th the date is on a 6 day rotation. Again, check the schedule if this is a concern.


Art 2 and Art 3 (high school art classes) will be working projects to artistically enhance the school. Art 2 will be painting the south playground, and the Art 3 class will be painting a mural on the west facing wall behind the school. Sketches are being worked on by the students and will be submitted to the administration for approval. We are hoping to begin soon so it will be done before the weather gets cold. Look for pictures in upcoming newsletters.


The art room is into recycling. From time to time we will put items we are looking for in our newsletter. Right now we are looking for: clear plastic dish liquid bottles, button front shirts to use as smocks for the students, clean plastic margarine tubs with lids, and clean plastic yogurt containers with lids. If you have other items you think we could make use of please give us a call.


Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you at our next gallery show during Parent/Teacher conferences.